
PI Behavioral Assessment

PI Behavioral Assessment

Understand What Drives People

Drives Needs Behaviors

Research shows that personality assessments are some of the best predictors of future job performance. The better a person’s natural motivating drives and needs fit a particular job – the higher job satisfaction and performance. The PI Behavioral Assessment helps you understand candidates’ and co-workers’ behavioral drives.

The PI Behavioral Assessment is used for recruitment and development of people on all levels. It is also well suited for team and organizational development as well as change management.

Certified by DNV

PI Behavioral Assessment is certified by DNV for recruitment and development. The PI Behavioral Assessment has been reviewed by DNV following the in-depth standards defined by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations’ (EFPA) Test Review Model.

This certification ensures Predictio’s clients, colleagues, managers and candidates of the PI Behavioral Assessment’s validity, reliable and high-quality, being one of the few assessments that has achieved this internationally accredited certification. 

To see which other behavioral tests that have been certified by DNV, please see here. 

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What is PI Behavioral Assessment?

The PI Behavioral Assessment is an untimed, free choice, stimulus-response tool that measures an individual’s motivating drives and needs.

The assessment has been used by thousands of businesses around the globe for more than 60 years to align their people strategy to their business strategy.

Individuals are presented two lists of descriptive adjectives. The first asks respondents to select ones they feel describe the way they are expected to act by others. The second asks them to select ones they feel really describe them. Each term is associated with one of  five drives; Dominance, Extraversion, Patience, Formality and Objectivity.


What does the assessment measure?

Dominance: The drive to exert one’s influence on people or events

Extraversion: The drive for social interaction with other people

Patience: The drive for consistency and stability

Formality: The drive to conform to rules and structure


Who uses the PI Behavioral Assessment?

How is the PI Behavioral Assessment used?

The PI Behavioral Assessment is used by HR and leaders who become certified in PI for:

  • Hiring and promotion
  • Becoming better at leading and motivating their teams
  • Fostering healthy working relationships
  • Building stronger team dynamics
  • Define job profiles with high precision
  • Select the best candidates for all levels and positions
  • Understand a person’s motivational drivers from day one
  • Build well-functioning teams and departments
  • Coach and motivate employees
  • Deal with conflicts in a constructive manner
  • Develop and promote employees and leaders
  • Communicate more effectively with individuals and groups

What business value does the PI Behavioral Assessment give you?

PI Behavioral Assessment provides large and small organizations from different industries with:

  • A proven solution audited and certified by DNV in accordance with the strict EFPA (The European Federation of Psychologists Associations) guidelines.
  • A solution that can be used to both hire (recruit and promote) and inspire (engage and develop) on an individual and team level.
  • Objectivity in analyzing which job tasks and personality drives are required for a new or existing position.
  • A common language and development focus for HR and leaders.
  • A complete cost control and overview through a yearly license fee based on headcount including unlimited usage.


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