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Integrate PI in your recruitment process: Selection process and final candidate

Written by Klara Skoglösa | 19 Jun 2024

Recruitment testing is a method of collecting objective candidate data in the hiring process. As an employer, you can use recruitment tests to obtain objective data and a better understanding of how well a candidate may fit the job you are recruiting for. 


The Predictive Index assessment, which is the recruitment test we recommend,  is actually ranked as the leader of talent assessment software used for pre-employment according to G2.

In other words, PI's assessments are great for improving your recruitment processes. When you are using PI in recruitment you can typically choose between two different approaches:

Use PI Assessments to help in the selection process


Use PI on final candidates to get to know them better


In this blog, we will guide you step by step through both approaches. You can click on the boxes above to get directly to the process you are interested in. But first... 

Create a Job Target to know what you are looking for 

Whatever approach you are using, we always recommend being properly prepared to secure the quality of your recruitment and get full value from PI during the process.

Before you start the hiring process, you need to determine what is needed to do the job successfully. What are the behavioral and cognitive requirements for the role you are recruiting for?

The PI Job Assessment will help your hiring team determine behavioral and cognitive benchmarks for jobs in your organization by creating a Job Target.

You can choose between two approaches for this:

Send out the PI Job assessment to all stakeholders and ask them to individually fill it in. Then conduct a meeting to you discuss the results, where they differ, and why, then agree on your job target for the role. or Collect your stakeholders in a room and fill in the assessment together, discussing what activities and aspects are most important for the performance in the role. 


You can read more about these methods in another blog post here

After agreeing on a Job Target, you can use the Job target profile from the system to incorporate some of the information in the job description and job advert.

This PI Job Target is always important, but it’s necessary if you are using PI in the selection process.

PI in the selection process


Start with creating a Job Target for the role. See above for this step.


In this step it’s time to send out assessments, depending on the role and your internal policies, this is the PI Behavioral Assessment with or without PI Cognitive Assessment.

  1. Create a shortlist of relevant candidates based on hard requirements such as language and education.

  2. Send out the assessments to all candidates on the shortlist and connect them to the target profile.

  3. Use the results and the match scores when selecting whom to take to the next step.



When it comes to the interview process you can leverage PI to get a better understanding of the candidate, their fit to the role, and how they will impact the team. You can do this both through a PI Readback or by leveraging the PI Interview Guide.

Giving a PI Readback is a great opportunity to get to know and understand the candidate. You can choose between two approaches for this:

In connection to an ordinary interview, incorporate it for 5-20 minutes in the beginning. or A separate session for 20-60 minutes, depending on your preferences and policies.

When the Job Target is connected to the candidate, you have access to a personalized Interview guide in the system.

Use it in its entirety as a separate interview step. or Choose the 2-4 questions you feel are most important and incorporate them into your standard interview guide for the specific candidate.


Hiring & rejection

When you decide on your new employees, congratulations! Make sure not to let all the information you now have collected go to waste.

Send the following reports to the manager:

  • Personal Development Chart
  • Management Strategy Guide
  • Relationship Guide between the new employee and manager

For the candidates who were not chosen but still did go through with the assessments, ensure they get some feedback. If they did not receive a PI Readback, and they didn’t receive their PI Behavioral Report automatically while completing the test, send the Personal Development Chart to them. This way they will get some tangible and actionable tips from their experience to walk away with.


PI on final candidates


It’s a good idea to start with creating a Job Target for the role, so you are aligned on what you are looking for. See the above for this step.


Conduct your ordinary selection steps up until the step where it’s relevant in your process to send out the PI Assessments. Depending on the role and your internal policies, this is the PI  Behavioral Assessment with or without PI Cognitive Assessment.

If you have created a PI Job target, make sure to connect the candidates to the job in the system.


When it comes to the interview process you can leverage PI to get a better understanding of the candidate, their fit to the role, and how they will impact the team. You can do this both through a PI Readback or by leveraging the PI interview guide.

Giving a PI Readback is a great opportunity to get to know and understand the candidate. You can choose between two approaches for this:

In connection to an ordinary interview, incorporate it for 5-20 minutes in the beginning. or It can be done in a separate session for 20-60 minutes, depending on your preferences and policies.


When the Job Target is connected to the candidate, you have access to a personalized Interview guide in the system.

Use it in its entirety as a separate interview step. or Choose the 2-4 questions you feel are most important and incorporate them into your standard interview guide for the specific candidate.


Hiring & rejection

When you decide on your new employees, congratulations! Make sure not to let all the information you now have collected go to waste.

Send the following reports to the manager:

  • Personal Development Chart
  • Management Strategy Guide
  • Relationshipguide between the new employee and manager

For the candidates who were not chosen but still did go through with the assessments, ensure they get some feedback. If they did not receive a PI Readback, and they didn’t receive their PI Behavioral Report automatically when completing the test, send the Personal Development Chart to them. This way they will get some tangible and actionable tips from their experience to walk away with.

Contact us if you would like to discuss how you can best incorporate PI in your internal recruitment processes!