Newsletter December 2023 - Make the final month of 2023 the best one yet🎄


For the last few months our calendars have been booked with exciting projects from our amazing clients, and December is of course no exception! In this last newsletter of the year, we have great information for the coming year that we would like to share with you before the holiday season starts ⭐



Tips to send to your candidates before taking the PI Behavioral and/or PI Cognitive Assessments  ☃️


Completing the PI Behavioral or PI Cognitive Assessment can be unnerving, especially for a candidate that is taking this type of test for the first time. What should they expect? Are there right and wrong answers?

We have collected our best tips to prepare for both the PI Behavioral and PI Cognitive Assessments, which you are welcome to share with your candidates who are taking one or both of the assessments. Click on the buttons below to find our tips👇🏽 


PI Trainings


Ny Open Training 2024 🔔

1-day training for leaders: Inspire People to Perform  


Effective leadership is one of the cornerstones of a successful organization. To achieve this, it’s critical to understand and enhance yourself and your teams. In 2024, we are therefore offering an open training course for leaders with this aim. The training is called Inspire people to Perform and focuses on how to:

  • Use data to understand what drives and inspires co-workers. 
  • Identify and protect the organization against the four factors that can negatively affect co-workers' engagement. 
  • Understand the unique dynamic and working methods the organization, project group, or teams have. 

This workshop has previously only been offered internally to organizations. Due to its high appreciation, we have chosen to organize an open training where you can enroll individual leaders from your company. This is particularly relevant for managers who would like to use Team Discovery for their teams. Please contact us if this training could be of interest to leaders in your organization ✨



Guide PI ReportsGuide: PI Reports 🕯️

In the PI system, you can find many reports that are useful for interviews, onboarding, development discussions, as a basis for conflict management, and more. It can be difficult to keep track of which report to use when.

We have therefore created a guide for how to best use the different reports in the PI system! Click on the buttons below to see the guide on our website or to download the PDF.


Trainings and webinars


Trainings and Webinars 2024 🌟

We are delighted to have had the opportunity to connect with many of you at our PI trainings this year! We look forward to welcoming your colleagues to our trainings in 2024, contributing to the expansion of PI knowledge within your organization 🏆  Share the link below with your colleagues for them to see the new dates and register!

In January, we will also be back with free webinars for those of you who are already PI certified. Click on the buttons below to register for webinars and PI training:

  • Introduction to PI Team Discovery
  • PI System Walkthrough
  • Practice giving PI feedback
  • And many more!






At Predictio we are pleased to inform that in July this year, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. The decision concludes that the United States ensures an adequate level of protection – comparable to that of the European Union – for personal data transferred from the EU to US companies under the new framework.

The Predictive Index is under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, and a transfer to the PI server can therefore be considered as secure as a transfer to a server in Europe!

If you would like to read more about this subject and download PI's updated DPA, please click on the button below to go to our blog.



 ⭐️ Do you have any questions or concerns? ⭐️

Don't hesitate to reach out to us at