Newsletter May 2024 - Exiting PI News

Exciting developments are underway from PI, and we are thrilled to share some great news with you. Stay tuned for our running updates during the year. For now, see a sneak peek of what's coming in this newsletter! 🌼

New PI platform 💡

In the first half of 2025, all our clients will seamlessly transition to a new and enhanced PI platform. This updated platform will be equipped with two new modules, added functionality, and a fresh new design! Rest assured, your favourite assessments and modules will remain in this upgraded system, while providing you with an improved user experience.

While the exact transition date is yet to be confirmed, we will be keeping you informed with more exciting details. You can also look forward to live webinars where we introduce you to the new platform!



PI Perform

New module - PI Perform 📌

Hire, Inspire, Design... And now introducing Perform! Perform is a performance management system and the ultimate tool for leaders to easily use the built-in PI data to engage and lead their teams as well as drive impactful results. In Perform managers will be able to set up personalised 1:1's with their direct reports, provide feedback, track goals, create collaborative meeting spaces, and so much more. And of course the  behavioral insights from PI will be seamlessly integrated!

The English version of Perform is already available to add to your license. 

Stay tuned for additional language options by the end of 2025.

Read more about Perform below and don't hesitate to reach out to us to see how it can benefit your organization!

PI Diagnose

Unlimited Teams 🌟

The Predictive Index has made changes to the PI Design subscription model. It is no longer be possible to buy a subscription for a set number of teams. This means that if your license currently only covers a set number of teams, you will need to upgrade to unlimited teams in order to continue using Team Discovery when renewing your license.

With the new unlimited subscription, HR, team leads, and managers across your entire organisation can use teams and leverage the full capabilities of Team Discovery.


New mode PI Diagnose

New module - PI Diagnose 🛎️

Diagnose is another module you will be able to add to your PI license at the end of 2024. Diagnose gives you access to the PI Employee Experience Survey™ that helps you measure employee engagement. This employee engagement survey together with PI data help you pinpoint the reasons for dissatisfaction as well as areas that drive engagement among your colleagues. The Diagnose tool will give you a personalised plan that will help you work towards increased engagement levels.



Do you have any questions or concerns? 

Don't hesitate to reach out, you can always catch us at