Conducting the Job Target conversation

In the PI Platform, you have unlimited access to the Job Assessment. Completing this assessment will help you analyze each job and identify the underlying behaviors and cognitive ability needed to be successful in a specific role.

A job target is created by one person or multiple stakeholders (HR, hiring manager, employees, etc.) completing a PI Job Assessment. The assessment takes approximately 12 minutes to complete, making it a quick yet valuable investment of time, given the significant insights it provides.

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Job Assessment and Job Target Overview

The Job Target describes behavioral and cognitive requirements for a job and is created by key stakeholders completing the Job Assessment. Once you set a Job Target, you unlock additional valuable information within the PI platform that you can use for:

  • Recruitment
    • What will be expected in the role
    • Interviews
    • Comparing the candidates with the job requirements
    • Match scores for all candidates
  • Onboarding
  • Coaching and leadership
  • Succession planning

Job Assessment and Job Target Steps:

It is clear that the Job Target has a lot of value and impact, so it is important to align the Job Target from the start.
Here are some steps to help you get started on the Job Target process:

  • Identify 3-5 key stakeholders with knowledge and relevant perspective of the job, who can be contributors to the Job Assessment and Job Target, such as:
    • Hiring manager
    • Person currently in the role today
    • HR representative
  • Email the contributors the job description and confirm key performance indicators (KPIs) and expectations of the Job.
  • Send the Job Assessment to the contributors, or set up a meeting with the contributors to go through the Guided Job Targeting Process.
  • Review suggested Behavioral and/or Cognitive results and facilitate a Job Target conversation, see further below.
  • Adjust the Job Target results as needed.
  • Set Match Score Weight below the Job Target pattern. This will determine which assessment results are weighed more heavily during the match process, and tells you how well a candidate matches your Job Target.
  • Accept the Job Target.

Celebrate! You’ve just gained alignment on the job. Now you can use it to hire candidates, promote employees, have development conversations, and more.


Facilitate the Job Target Conversation:

The Job Target conversation is a critical conversation between contributors to ensure that everyone is aligned on the expectations of the Job. The conversation allows stakeholders to align on the job description, key performance indicators (KPIs) and the Behavioral and/or Cognitive requirements of the job.

  • Remind contributors:
    • The goal of the conversation is to agree on the Behavioral and/or Cognitive requirements for a Job.
    • The Job Target can be used through different stages of the people process in your organization (recruitment, onboarding, coaching, succession planning, etc.)
  • Review results.
    • Review the resulting Reference Profiles and descriptions. Do they seem right for your organization and for this role? If not, the Job Target may need to be adjusted.
    • Look at the combined Job Target results.
    • Wider ranges are where there was the least alignment between contributors, and where you should probably focus your conversation.
      • It could also mean that there is just more flexibility in expectations, which will allow for more candidates to match the drive.
    • Narrow ranges show that the drive is more specific in need, but it may also limit the number of candidates that match the drive
  • Hover over contributor names to view their individual Job Assessment results/inputs.

  • Discuss how much of each drive is needed for the job.
    • If you need some guidance, place take a look in your Toolkit.
    • Here are some suggested questions:
      • Is this behavior important and frequent for the Job?
      • How independent does this person need to be? How often will they need to collaborate with other people?
      • How outgoing and persuasive do they need to be? Is this a more reserved or analytical role?
      • Will this Job be fast-paced and handle multiple priorities? Or will this Job need someone who is more methodical and able to handle repetitive tasks?
      • Does the Job require attention to detail and following rules and guidelines?
      • How quickly should the candidate be able to take in new information, adapt to changes, solve problems, and process complex information.
  • Adjust the ranges in the result as needed.
    • As you widen or narrow the ranges, different Reference Profiles will be chosen.
    • Make sure that the factor combinations for your non-negotiable behaviors do not overlap.
      • For example: If the role requires risk orientation, the A and D factor should not overlap, as you will get false matches for the role; the overlap will include matches for both risk-averse and risk-oriented behaviors.
  • Set the Match Score weight in the Job Target results.
    • This will determine which assessment results are weighted more heavily during the Match Score process, which tells you how well a candidate matches your Job Target.
    • The weight defaults to 50% Behavioral and 50% Cognitive unless adjusted, or if only the Behavioral portion of the Job Assessment is used. 
  • Accept the Job Target when the Contributors are aligned.

Congratulations, you have a Job Target!

  • Review the Job Report and matching Reference Profiles to help verify if you’ve accurately captured the needs and expectations of the job.
  • The matching Reference Profiles are a suggestion. It does not mean that candidates who do not match the Reference Profile will be poor candidates.
  • Remember to look at the whole person - assessment results, experience, and values.

With the PI Solution, you can easily compare and match candidates' drives, needs, behaviors and cognitive abilities with the job target profile. With the help of an algorithm the candidates will be ranked, which gives you a great overview of each role.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us to hear more about how you can use the Job Target in your organization!